Photo credit : Zoélie Rolland & Davide Fecarotti

Antoine Boudin & Olivier Millagou

Residency in August 2024

Production sponsorship


The challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss are at the heart of the creative process of designer Antoine Boudin and artist Olivier Millagou. During their residency at the Foundation, they created a series of works that were showcased in the « Déplastification » exhibition, organized by Mas Baudran and Surfrider Foundation Europe, as part of the Agir pour le Vivant festival in Arles, from August 26 to 31, 2024.

The duo designed hourglasses illustrating the overproduction and oceanic plastic pollution. Made from recycled glass and filled with microplastics collected from beaches, these aim to raise public awareness of the urgent need to protect life, the climate, and landscapes. Each hourglass counts down a time corresponding to a key figure in plastic pollution, highlighting the impact of our consumption and the necessity of collective action for a plastic-free future.