Explore the production workshops at the heart of the Fondation d’entreprise Martell in Cognac.
Located at the heart of the Fondation in Cognac, the “Ateliers du Faire” are production workshops (wood, glass, ceramics, etc.) promoting experimentation, knowledge sharing and material hybridization. The residencies encourage cross-collaborations with craftsmen, inhabitants and local partners (companies, associations, collectives, institutions, etc.). The machinery, tools and equipment will expand over time, complementing itself according to the areas of research developed. The public is occasionally invited to meet the artists during workshops or dedicated conferences.
Public events are also organized, allowing artisans or researchers to present the project developed during their residency.

Glass workshop
Residents are accompanied and supported by two in-house glassblowers : Valentin Rizzo and Gaëtan Oheix.

Ceramics Workshop
The equiment of this workshop includes a 3D ceramic printer developped by engineer and designer Olivier Van Herpt . It can produce prototypes or small series of pieces over one meter high.

Wood Workshop
This workshop is equipped with sliding table saws, surface planners and tools and machines used for woodworking (saws, sanding stations, etc.).

Multi-purpose functional Workshops
The equipment includes a weaving loom, screen printing equipment and other devices. These spaces can also be equipped to accommodate residencies with specific technical needs. In this case, the Fondation team will provide the residents with technical support and assist them in networking and in the search for professionals and partners that can meet their request.