The team

César Giron


César Giron is a company head. He is the CEO of Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët.

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Anne-Claire Duprat


Anne-Claire Duprat is an art historian and specialist in cultural policy She has 15 years of experience in the contemporary art world having worked within institutions such as the Palais de Tokyo, the Jeu de Paume, the Frac Ile-de- France and the French Institute. Before joining the Foundation, Anne-Claire worked in the cultural services of the French Embassy in the United States, where she directed the strategy for promoting the French arts scene at national level. She joined the Foundation as director in April 2022.

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Maxime Heylens

Cultural development& partnerships manager

Maxime Heylens is a project manager. He has a dual background in management of cultural institutions that he studied at Sciences Po Lille, and in art history after two years at the Ecole du Louvre and the Sorbonne. Maxime worked for 3 years for the Consortium, center of contemporary art in Dijon, mainly on international projects (Venice, Doha, Gwangju). He co-founded Less is More Factory in 2014 with Nathalie Viot and Philippe Bissières. He joined the Foundation in September 2017.

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Juliette Nosland

Visits &Events manager

Juliette Nosland is a cultural engineer She has a double degree in History and Criticism of the Arts and in Information Communication at Rennes II University before studying the international art market at ICART Paris. Juliette has worked at the Tornabuoni Gallery (Paris), the Institut Français Culturel (Naples), the Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Venice) and the Venice Biennale. She joined the Foundation in June 2018.

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Elisabeth Ricard

Communications Director

Elisabeth Ricard is communications director of the Fondation d’entreprise Martell. A graduate of Edhec (business school) and a law degree from Lille University, she worked at EY before joining Pernod Ricard then Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët where she was in charge of communications followed by Social Media She joined the Fondation in September 2020.

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Julien Lefrançois

Head Registrar

Julien Lefrançois is general stage manager. Prior to that he held the same position at the Gagosian gallery.