
Free admission : access to exhibitions, residencies and conferences is free of charge. However, please note that some events may have an admission fee, in which case it will be specified.
Guided tours :
Every Saturday / For all audiences
11 am – 12:30 pm: The “Grand Tour” visit, a guided tour of both exhibitions.
4 pm – 5 pm: JB Blunk – Continuum
6 pm – 6:30 pm: Mathilde Pellé – Chemin creux (Hollow way)
Sensory Tour :
For young audiences aged 8 and up.
Every Sunday at 4 pm:
A “beyond the gaze” tour to discover the exhibition using all your senses, thanks to a mediation kit specially designed by students from the DNMADE program at Lycée Charles Coulomb in Angoulême.
LSF Tour (French sign Language) :
For deaf / hard of hearing / hearing audiences
Wednesday, September 25 at 2 pm
Saturday, November 30 at 4 pm
A tour in French interpreted into French Sign Language (LSF) by an interpreter.
School visits