Copyright: David Allen
27.10.2021 | 6.00 p.m
Cancer Prevention
CARE [Screening+Talk]
Care Program
Its aim ? Take care of ourselves, take care of others and take care of the planet.
How? Through various cultural events that raise questions and / or offer solutions.
Program – Wednesday October 27, 2021 (from 6:00 p.m to 7.30 p.m):
– conference on breast cancer prevention and the importance of early detection
– How art can contribute to feel better after a disease
– cocktail
Free entrance upon booking
The Care conference cycle resumes with a first Talk in October, breast cancer awareness month, dedicated to this topic. The main purpose of this conference is to provide information on breast cancer, which today affects one in eight women. However, the earlier this disease is detected, the more likely women are to be cured; Hence the importance of screening and the reason why the Fondation called on the Nouvelle-Aquitaine screening center to make participants aware of regular examinations and self-examination.
In addition, another subject will be discussed; that of the role of art in supporting illness, particularly through tattoos. Thus, David Allen, an American artist whose work appears among the current installations of the Beauty exhibition by Sagmeister & Walsh, will take on a very special significance. He uses his art – the art of tattooing – to help women with cancer beautify their bodies after a mastectomy (partial or total removal of one or both breasts). He adapts to their scars and personal preferences to cover and enhance them with floral designs. He seeks to enable patients to rebuild themselves not only physically but also psychologically, after an ordeal which can prove to be particularly destructive. By hiding the scars of their operation, they regain control of their bodies. Fabien Bouteldja from Kobo Tattoo will attend the Care conference. He will present his passion for tattooing, art that he he learned in Montreal, with a particular attraction to the Japanese style. Back in France, he created his own shop, first in the center of Cognac then in the Saint Jacques district. He too supports women in the process of reclaiming their body and will provide his testimony on how his practice can restore their confidence.
Art and culture can change the way patients understand and deal with their disease.