From 14.10.2022 to 16.10.2022
“The End is in the beginning and yet we continue”
Citation de Samuel Beckett
On October 12 and November 2 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, meet Noémie Maresté for an exercise in sophrology, «the living of the 5 senses», in the preamble of this polysensory exhibition dedicated to the senses. An invitation to become aware of his sensory organs in order to fully experience the visit.
An exhibition where the spectator becomes an actor and finds himself immersed in the center of installations designed by the artists to excite his senses through a multitude of experiences inviting him to reconnect to his body.
With birth comes death, inevitable and intrinsic to the fact of existing. This mortality, linked to our human condition, makes us vulnerable, sometimes strong and resilient, sometimes weak and fragile. However, between the beginning and the end, there is life, the body in motion, this body that works thanks to the five senses that connect us to the world.
The title of this exhibition is taken from the play Fin de partie, written in French by Samuel Beckett in 1957. He challenges the principles of classical theatre by presenting a story without adventures, characters without history and a place without reference. Despite this absurd void, the only human condition of the characters is enough to create a moment of existence, where anything is possible.
This polysensory project approaches the human as a tool of perception and tracer of possibilities . From the natural perceptions delivered by our senses, the invited personalities, coming from various disciplines, reveal their own interpretation of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste by giving themselves as a rule not to stop at a specific medium: they are designer, light designer, visual artist, sound artist, textile designer, dancer and botanist. Their experiments merge, complement each other in an organic continuum. Several inalienable dimensions of the body create the universal resonance of this narrative: movement and vulnerability, a means and an end, both represent the strengths and weaknesses of our body envelopes, our psyche and our position in this world.
At the level of The scenography, the senses unfold in monumental stainless steel tanks repainted in colors for the occasion. Rituals and choreographic performances will be added to this collective work by nine artists:
- The View by Odile Soudant
- The Touch by Rachel Marks
- Smell and Taste by Julie C. Fortier
- Hearing by Reto Pulfer (loan from the Frac
- Artothèque Limousin de Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
- The Movement by Jeanne Vicerial and Julia Cima
- Vulnerability by Marc Jeanson and Atelier
- Marietalexandre
- Exhibition curator: Nathalie Viot

Ingenuity: robotic engineering
Chalvignac Group: stainless steel tanks
Seigneurie Gauthier: paintings
The respectful gardens, Delicacies and chocolate and the Funny Goat
Association Cobble directed by Victor Dérudet:delegated production, design and manufacturing of structures
Arthur Destriat: handling and management
Barillet Menuiserie
Blomkal: wood cutting (Angoulême)
Stéphane Bottard: lighting and video creation
Laetitia Andrighetto and Jean-Charles Miot: glass craftsmen
Manon Clouzeau: ceramist
Guillaume Barbareau: ceramic 3D printer technician